Automated Machine Guard Doors

Automated Machine Guard Doors are a safe and cost effective way to increase productivity in machine and robot systems that require barriers between personnel and processes.

These doors are especially effective when forklifts and other equipment enter the guarded area on a regular basis to drop off and remove materials. 

Machine Guard Doors can come with their own frame, so they can easily be added to a fencing or other guarding systems. 

Other Features:

  • Doors travel at 42”/sec, up to 120 cycles/hr
  • Two PLE rated RFID sensors to safely confirm the door is closed
  • Available up to 16’ x 16’
  • Through-beam photo eye sensor to confirm no obstructions are under the door before closing.
  • With the intelligent controller your machine can easily signal the door to open or close.

For more information or to schedule a time for us to come by and take a look at your potential application, please reach out via email or phone. 

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