Case Study: Fall Protection Platform

In this application we have built a platform around a rooftop HVAC unit to provide safe access for routine maintenance. Prior to this installation, maintenance personnel were constantly standing awkwardly on ladders while they performed maintenance tasks on the HVAC unit.

Process: Regular maintenance, such as changing filters is performed on a rooftop HVAC unit. 

Problem: The HVAC unit is elevated, so a ladder is needed for access. 

Concern: There is a high risk of falling while balancing on a ladder to remove and replace filters or performing other maintenance activities.

Challenges: A ladder needs to be brought to the roof on a regular basis to perform maintenance on the HVAC unit. The ground under the HVAC unit has obstacles such as piping and a metal structure, which made it difficult to put the ladder in the proper position to perform the maintenance. These obstacles also make it difficult to install anything but a custom solution.

Solution: Installation of a custom 24” high non- penetrating platform that provides a 24” wide walkway around the HVAC unit. The platform has access via stairs and fall protection double railing all the way around the unit. The legs are strategically placed in locations that are not obstructed by the various obstacles on the roof under it. In addition, since this unit is on a high roof, the entire structure was brought up in pieces through a small access door and assembled by Bulwark technicians on the spot in a matter of hours. 

With Kee Safety’s modular pipe and fitting construction there is no welding required and there is flexibility to make design changes on site. 

For information on solutions like this, or if you would like to know how to improve safety at your facility email us at or call 971-330-8357.


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