Rooftop Fall Guards for Drains & Equipment

We recently had a client ask us for a fall protection solution specifically for the task of keeping their roof drains clear of debris. Since it is autumn and your roof likely has leaves on it, here is the solution we recommended.  Of course, the safest solution would be to add railing to the entire … Read more

Spring Time Airflow With Fall Protection but Without the Bugs and Birds

There are many reasons to add automatic roll-up doors in manufacturing facilities, including: discouraging unauthorized individuals from entering dangerous areas, climate control, dust separation, keeping pests out while allowing fresh air and light in, etc. Bulwark Safety Systems is proud to partner with Goff’s Enterprises to provide roll-up doors to our clients. We offer very … Read more

Self-Closing Safety Gates

Most of our customers are familiar with the OSHA requirements for self-closing gates, but they are often surprised when they take the time to walk their facility and count how many places these gates are still needed. The OSHA standard is as follows: 1910.28(b)(3)(iv) – Each employee is protected from falling into a ladderway floor … Read more

Thank You Veterans

Whether you believe in God or not, we all agree there is evil in this world. Sometimes that evil is manifested in individuals, but sometimes that evil is manifested in governments and nations. Today on Veterans Day (and as we should every day), Bulwark Safety Systems honors all veterans who protect our great nation from … Read more

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