Forklift Safety Red and Blue lights

We are starting to see more and more forklifts being equipped with a blue warning light, typically in the back. These warning lights are a simple and inexpensive way to help keep pedestrians safe from forklifts, and adding them to all sides of the forklift even further diminishes the risk of a collision. Blue lights in front and behind your forklifts alert pedestrians to the oncoming traffic. Red lights on the sides of your forklift clearly define a safe distance for pedestrians.

Bulwark Safety Systems has several models of both blue and red safety lights available, but the most cost effective combination is the Dominator blue lights and Red Zone Eco red lights. You can acquire a set with 2 blue lights and 2 red lights for only $410. These lights are simple to install and include a mounting bracket, wiring and installation instructions. To learn more about forklift safety lights email us at

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