Permit to Work (PTW)

Permit to Work (PTW) is a key part of managing work activities that have inherently higher risks or
unique aspects that could lead to a higher level of risk than routine or daily work activities. It is
supported by other management policies, procedures, and processes to regulate all work activities
and manage risk. The purpose of PTW documents are to provide guidance in confirming:

  1. Completion of all defined work activities, notation of the hazards involved, and precautions to be taken prior to the execution of the work.
  2. Coordination of all activities to provide a safe working environment for all personnel at the site.

One of our clients recently asked us to help create a custom permit to work, to reflect their own existing process. This would allow them to continue the process they have trained for and used successfully for some time. We used SGW’s standard Permit to Work as the template and had to make surprisingly few changes. These particular permit to work forms include three copies total (two carbon copies), so the person/contractor doing the work maintains one copy. While a second copy is displayed where the work is being performed and the third copy is provided to a safety professional or other responsible person from your company.

Another great feature of the PTW is the sign on the back that can be displayed at the work site to warn others that work is being performed (see example below).

We have a variety of permit to work forms such as Confined Space, Electrical, General, Hot Work, Working at Heights, etc. and are able to customize any to fit your particular needs. Our PTW’s are very affordable starting at just .90 cents each (quantity 250). 

Check out this video for more information on how to use or PTW’s: SGW PTW’s

If you would like a free sample permit to work form, just click on our “contact us” button and send us a note with your request and contact information.

#permittowork, #sgw, #workpermit, #confinedspacepermit, #ptw

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