If your business needs fall protection guardrails, handrails or self-closing gates on docks, platforms, ladders, rooftops or anywhere else, we have OSHA approved solutions.
We'll determine the right safety equipment
with on site evaluations, information, specifications, quotes, delivery AND installation providing you turn key solutions
to all your machine safety needs.
From low tech red and blue safety lights, to
physical barriers like flexible guardrails and
handrails, to high tech RFID sensors and
more; we can help find the best solution for
your pedestrian safety needs.
Our Licensed Machine Safety Specialists
offer a full range of assessments to make
sure you are in compliance with OSHA and
more importantly, to be sure that everyone
goes home safe from work.
Our team will perform your installation in a
timely manner to reduce your downtime
and maintain your productivity. Weekend
installs are available to reduce impact on
your operations.
Quickly determine if on employee should
be performing the task in the first place by
testing employees alertness before a shift
or before performing a hazardous task.